We all face a variety of risks to our health as we go about our day-to-day lives. According to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act of 1999, indoor pollutants can be placed into two groups, biologic and chemical, and include radon, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and excess moisture. They can cause stuffy and damp houses, which makes indoor air more dangerous than outdoor air. To ensure your family's safety, it's good to understand indoor pollutants.
Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally. It has no smell, color, or taste, which makes it hard to detect without definite radon testing. Radon is not a significant health issue outdoors. But, radon exposure mainly occurs indoors as it gets trapped after entering through holes and cracks in buildings. Prolonged radon exposure may increase your chances of developing lung cancer. High radon levels can be corrected by installing an efficient HVAC unit to increase the house's air change rate.
Carbon Monoxide
This is an odorless gas released from the burning of fossil fuels. Gas heaters and kerosene lamps are the most significant contributors to this indoor air pollutant. When inhaled in large amounts, carbon monoxide can be lethal to humans as it affects the ability of blood to transport oxygen. Carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to unconsciousness, dizziness, and death. Carbon monoxide is a threat in environments with poor ventilation, so ensure your home is adequately ventilated and have a sound HVAC system to get air in and out of your house efficiently.
Volatile Organic Compounds
These gases emanate from liquids, pesticides, disinfectants, aerosol sprays, and paints. Exposure to VOCs causes headaches, nose and eye irritation, nausea, and liver and kidney damage. Ensure proper ventilation in your home to prevent VOC exposure.
Excess Moisture
Moisture is among the most harmful indoor pollutants, affecting the building and your health. It enables the growth of dust mites and mildew, which trigger asthma and other allergies. Ensure that your heating and cooling unit works efficiently to eradicate excess moisture in the home.
Final Word
Managing indoor pollution needs the expertise of a professional. A Plus Quality Inc is a reliable company in Toronto & GTA to improve air quality in your home. We provide maintenance, repairs, and installations of humidifiers, whole house air cleaners and air purifiers, and air conditioners. Contact us now to learn more about our services.